
Wanna play?



9 Years
Athena I
01-09-2015, 11:58 PM

Leo chuckled and watched Caesar tumble after attempting to bite his pale paw, an expected reaction to him trying to bop him on the head. However, he wasn't expecting the boy to go rolling under him. His mismatched ears perked up and his eyes followed the pup, his head quickly dipping down so that he was looking through his own forelegs at the pup. He really just wanted to make sure he was okay. Isolde would kill him if Caesar got hurt on his watch! But of course it wasn't the pup that was getting hurt in this situation, it was Leo apparently. Suddenly Caesar yelled rude words again and leaped up to bite at his stomach. "Ow!" he yelled, flinching away from the boy and scowling although he still wasn't really all that mad. Well, he wasn't yet.

Then the pup had the audacity to attempt to reach over and bite at somewhere that should never, ever be bit at. Leo yelped and leaped away, his tail quickly tucking down around that sensitive part of him, his sapphire gaze wide and startled. Luckily he had been watching so he had enough time to get away from Caesar's sharp little teeth! Caesar darted away, clearly knowing he was going to be in trouble. Leo immediately darted after him, focusing on catching the little booger before he did anything else. It wasn't exactly an easy task given the fact that Casear was a lot smaller and quicker than his uncle. Finally Leo managed to catch him and he would grab the pup by the scruff, pulling him up off his feet before he skidded to a halt. Panting around the mouthful of Caesar's scruff he mumbled, "That is no way to treat your uncle, young man!"