
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-10-2015, 01:13 AM

The boy would accept without question, almost eager for the taste of blood. He would move just before she sought to collide with him. He would step to his right, forcing the point of her left shoulder to collide with his own left shoulder. A moderate bruise immediately flared across her left shoulder, pain flaring wildly. Jaws would not meet their intended mark, his pale crown lowering causing her fangs to sink into his scruff, between his shoulders, his spine laying just beneath her jaws. It was a useless hold that she would immediately intend to release. As soon as she sought to release him, fangs hungrily attempted to sink into the base of his neck, just in front of his shoulders, nearly centered, though more so to his left side. The goal was to get a grip that she could use to force him to the ground with. Her foreleg had snapped up, only to immediately seek a place on the ground again with hopes of crushing his toes, but the movement was cut short. His fangs would sink into her left foreleg, moderate punctures wounds immediately forming. However, his jaws would land just above her left ankle, rather than around her ankle like intended. While he bit down with force, it was not enough to crack the bone, only perhaps worsen her injuries depending on what he did.

His left foreleg shot forward, wrapping around her own right foreleg, right around her right ankle. She would move with the attack. Her right foreleg would pull forward, towards apollo, her balance wavering. Due to both of her forelegs being held hostage, she sought to bring her weight down across the left upper portion of his neck, seeking to take advantage of his lowered position to maintain his grip on her left foreleg. To help push her weight onto the left upper portion of his neck, she would aim push off with her right hind leg, seeking to nearly fully extend the appendage. Her own right foreleg would then immediately seek to snap back towards her body so that she might try to replant it safely on the ground.

Defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine as much as possible, chin tucked, hind legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, and her weight was evenly distributed across her hind limbs.

