
Make Me Blush

The Judge


01-10-2015, 05:19 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear
9  for powerplaying.  -1 'Steely limbs uncoiled launching her toward Freyja' – you need to attempt all movement towards your opponent  
10 for defenses.  +1 for each seen
7 for attack. +4 for grip attempt +1 maim attempt, +1 paw slam +1 maim attempt
10 for injuries.First round

Daegmar's round one total: 46/50

7 for clarity:  -1 'Freyja cranes her neck to the left' Whose left? 'Hind limbs will pivot a step to the right' Whose right? -1 '...shifting her body as she does so' How exactly is she shifting? To her left? Her right? Just one paw? Her whole body?  -1 'Jaws will dart downwards, attempting to seize the mottled scruff just below the woman's ears' How is she trying to position her jaws? -1 What kind of grip does Daegmar get? Is it a solid grip or a glancing blow?
8 for powerplaying. -2 'Freyja lunges forward, throwing forth her left shoulder to meet the oncoming assault...'  Daegmar is aiming for Freyja's left foreleg, so how does her bite land on Freyja's shoulder without Freyja moving in some way?
6 for defenses. +1 for each seen -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting right forepaw. 0 for limbs repositioned (how are they positioned? Are they placed squarely beneath her?), 0 for limbs tightened (I consulted another judge on this and we agree this doesn't count as a defense), 0 for tail sweeping (given the circumstances I can't see her benefiting from it) 0 weight shifting for balance
5 for attack. +4 for grip/bite attempt, +1 for grip attempt with foreleg
10 for injuries. First round

Freyja's round one total: 35/50

Round 2

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
9 for defenses. +1 for each seen, -1 for weight not redistributed after raising the left forepaw
8 for attack. +4 for grip/bite attempt +1 for maim attempt, +2 shoulder slam, +1 paw stomp

7 for injuries. -1 for light bruising, -2 for moderate lacerations

Daegmar's round two total: 44/50

6 for clarity:   -2 In your notes you say Freyja is trying to knee Daegmar in the face but in your post there is no mention of what body part she's attacking with. At first glance I assumed it was a kick. -1 ' the hopes of finding contact with the center-mass of Daegmar's skull, be it nose, snout, or squarely between her eyes' You need to pick a specific target. -1 'she pushed forward on her remaining leg' Which leg?  
8 for powerplaying. -2 'Freyja felt safe in hurriedly drawing it backwards' Breaking free from a grip needs to be attempted
7 for defenses.  +1 for each seen
3 for attack. +1 for kneeing, +2 for the headbutt...thing
2 for injuries.  -3 Severe bite wound, -2 severe bruising, -3 fractured toe(s)

Freyja's round two total: 26/50


Daegmar: 90/100

Freyja: 61/100

And the winner is...

DAEGMAR! Freyja must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Daegmar: Light bruising – 3 OOC days to heal,  moderate lacerations – 1 OOC week to heal

Freyja:  Severe bite wound – 3 OOC weeks to heal, severe bruising – 2 OOC weeks to heal, fractured toe(s) – 4 OOC weeks to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lunar:

Nothing to note, very good fight!! You're very clear in your writing and I, quite frankly, am jealous.

For Fox:

Be specific about everything! Even if it's obvious what body part is being moved and where, for judging purposes you need to list left/right/front/back and the like every time. As a judge I can't assume anything. For your defenses think about what your wolf would benefit most from in that moment and then try to list as many as you can. You may only get points for ten of them but listing a couple extra is a good idea if you're trying out new defenses in case some don't work out.

- By [Lazuli]