
One Hell of a Woman


06-01-2013, 03:53 PM

The lady had not kept him waiting long, and when the alabaster woman had come (ooc; hahah I said ?come?) to his call, he wasn?t a bit shocked to see the state of her. Battles were rough and no one ever came out unscathed. Even if you had fled the fight, you carried the mental scars of the challenge. Physically and mentally you were drained with every fight. The beautiful white dame had wounds, that had red blood staining her pelt, and pieces of her opponents womb scattered across her head. It didn?t bother him one bit. He stepped towards the lady, taking in her question with a smile. Stopping a respectful distance from the lady, his two toned eyes raked over her form taking in every wound.

?I heard your call for that other dame? Curiosity got the best of me, and I caught the end of your fight.? He stopped there, giving the lady a warm and reassuring smile. He hoped he wouldn?t offend her by having seen her fight. ?Are you alright, Evey?? He would end his speech using the pet name that he had coined for at their first meeting. He wasn?t put off by her appearance now, and though he wasn?t a healer, he knew a few things that would tend to wounds. Tips and tricks that he had picked up on from the wars he had fought in.
