
Standing toe to toe



8 Years
Athena I
01-10-2015, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 08:24 PM by Falk.)

ooc: So I'm basically exhausted and can't focus enough to write this fight post and I know it'll default if I don't sooooo Cat wins x_x

An ache spread across his chest as it slammed into hers, knowing that he was going to get his fair share of bruises in return for that attack. His bite wouldn't be nearly as successful as he would have hoped, but his teeth did sink into flesh and that was something. He bit into her chest, his forward momentum adding pressure to his bite and hopefully making his attack deeper and more damaging. He tried to watch for his opponent's next move, but with his left eye already cut it made it all the harder to do. He felt her body shifting as she moved and tried to move accordingly, but it was no use. She came from his blind side, making it impossible for him to see her attack till it was too late. Her jaws came down over his face, deadly teeth biting into skin and eyes and tearing into both.

He quickly let go of her chest and jerked himself away from her grasp, blindly stumbling backwards away from her. Searing, terrible pain flared from his face, pulling a twisted, groaning sound of pain from his throat. Dark. Everything was dark. He could feel the blood dripping down his face, but that was the only sensation he could register. His legs buckled under him and he collapsed to the ground, attempting once to get up before giving up entirely. With his already weakened body, the blood loss, and now the complete loss of all sense of direction it seemed nearly impossible for him to stand. Suddenly Taurig came to his mind and it suddenly seemed to dawn on him what had just happened. He was blind. Truly blind. He would never be able to see Surreal again, would never see his children again.

A weak, breathless, delirious chuckle left him and he lifted his head to look in the direction that he thought Catalya was based off of what he could smell of her scent. "Isn't it poetic that Taurig and I would both be blind? The brothers exiled from the Armada tree... blind." A sharp, rasping, sarcastic laugh left him at that. The pain didn't seem too bad right now, but he knew that he was probably in shock from the adrenaline and blood loss so it would hit him soon. He had to get home. He had to. But how? How in the world wold he manage it now?

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