
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]

Athena I


9 Years
01-10-2015, 09:23 PM

Athena smiled at Talvi when she appeared, pressing her nose affectionately to the side her blue sister's neck. She really needed to spend some time with Talvi and catch up on everything that had happened since Talvi had left to go explore. They had been given little time to do that as of late. Drashiel then began to speak and explain what they were going to be hunting today and what his plan for it was. It was certainly an interesting prey item anyway and her task in his plan was simple enough. Her split-tone gaze glanced toward the only wolf she didn't know here, apparently named Satu, who was now her partner for this hunt.

She followed Drashiel to where the oxen were grazing, quietly waiting until he and Satis had taken off to initiate the first level of the hunt. Her eyes immediately darted to the calf that got pushed out on its own and she wouldn't hesitate to run forward, ready to keep it separated from the heard. Athena took to the opposite side of the calf than her partner, watching both the calf and Satu closely, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. Satu latched onto the calf's leg, sending it to a screeching halt, and Athena sprung. She leaped up to latch her teeth onto the calf's meaty neck, letting gravity be her assistant and pulling the calf down to the ground as she came back down to earth. One foreleg came to loop around the calf's shoulder and she kept a firm hold on its neck to keep it from getting away. The calf cried and struggled, but between Athena and Satu there was no getting away. Now she waited for Talvi to finish it off.

"Talk" "You" Think