
Finally relieved



8 Years
01-10-2015, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 09:51 PM by Maximous.)

After he agreed to not pry into the disappearance but before his explination for her empty den, she wouldn't look at him. It was as if she were trying to hide something and if she looked to long then he would learn something she didnt want him to know just yet. But he would not ask and he would keep his mind from wondering away from the subject at hand.

Durring the explination he could see the confustion all over her face, even more so when the Xanilov boy was mentioned. It wasnt long before he recognized a look of disbelief as she spoke a new question, one he was sure would come. At first a nod would be all that she would receive as the boys name gad been a question in itself. "he is moving boarders because, just as every other queen we have had, Valeriya left. Kassander is king now and has made several changes.

Max would sit quietly a moment as he remembered his protest to learn any more about fighting. He hadnt been able to protect Callisto when she was taken, perhaps he should try to forget his hatred for fighting so he could protect her better. Hell so he could protect the entire pack better. He would be damnd if he would allow anyone to take her from him again. But how to tell her how he feels about her. Especially now that she had gone missing already, this very moment would be inappropriate, but he would make himself tell her soon.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)