
Broken Pieces


06-01-2013, 04:00 PM

(((OOC: Since Hun is gone, I'm gonna assume Icarus isn't here.)))

Desdemona's words would come blunt and to the point, given a moment to think everything over, it was probably for the best that Nnoitra had come, everything was left out in the open. The two rulers of Tortuga were introduced, it didn't appear like they were being hidden. This, she supposed, was a good thing. She would travel to Ludicael and then perhaps to Seracia to formally introduce herself. She had a great deal to do and so little time. She had anticipated a tense encounter with the wolves of Valhalla, but it seemed as though this woman had a level head upon her shoulders and was willing to compromise, perhaps compromise was a bit too strong of a word, an agreement seemed more appropriate given the circumstance.

Her polite tones as the introductions were surprising to the ivory woman but that surprise vanished just as quickly as it came, and she dipped her head in a silent show of respect before her jaws would part, answering the woman. "As is the pleasure reflected, Epiphron, I had expected a great deal more hostility, I thank you for giving us the time to speak and the chance to hear us out." She liked this two toned woman, she doubted with all the discrepancies that they would ever be the strongest of friends, but she hoped an agreement could come to pass... it was too bad she had not spoken out sooner, perhaps then Tortuga and Valhalla could have been joined more solidly... that would have proved a formidable army.

" The incident with Neo and Luce, at least to my knowledge was something entirely spontaneous and situation based. The information given to Kaien was not passed on, or if it was, it was given to Morphine who no longer has a place in Tortuga, I assure you that war is exactly what we are attempting to avoid... I am not sure if you are aware but Luce carries Neo's offspring. I am not fond of letting pups suffer for the idiocies of their parents but I will leave visitation rights or lack thereof to your discretion. The pups will be cared for and treated as Tortuga's own." She was certain the woman was curious of Neo's time, but according to Nnoitra, that was all the information he knew and she would share it willingly with the Queen.

" An alliance I believe would benefit the both of us. Since we are the ones asking the favor, I find it only fair that you state your terms of such an arrangement first." She was quick and to the point, but she saw no reason to fill the air with mindless speak.
