
The only thing that's left do is live



2 Years
Extra large
01-11-2015, 07:06 AM
By now Aslan had of course come to realise that his grandparents had died. He'd also learnt that it meant they were no longer around, the den they had occupied during their illness, the one he had occasionally wandered close to in hopes of spotting them was now empty, the scent of them and the sickness fading away and yet that was still the place he could scent them the strongest. He had visited again, familiarising himself as best as he could with the few pleasant memories he had with them. There simply hadn't been enough time.

He'd also learnt rather quickly that death was something bad, something terribly upsetting. Though the sadness and feeling of loss had hit him to an extent, it was perhaps mainly for the general emotions currently surrounding the pack and family. He worried for them all of course, though there was no denying that he concerned himself with his mother's feelings the most at this moment in time. She had certainly taken the death rather hard, quite how hard even Aslan didn't know though he certainly wished to check in with her, spend some time with her. Much of her time for now had been spent with his father back at her side, unlike his grandparents his father had pulled through and was regaining his usual strength. That was wonderful to see at least, the pair of them together again, and for a while he had simply watched with content as they moved around the pack lands side by side again.

This morning however his mother had set out on her patrol alone and Aslan would take the opportunity to accompany her instead, his chance to see how she was doing and perhaps learn a little more about the recent events; death and his grandparents. The tall boy had followed after her and soon had nearly caught up, the final distance wouldn't be hard to close though he'd still let out a soft bark of greeting as he neared, alerting her that he was tagging along. "Hello mum" He greeted as he finally reached her side, lowering his head to nuzzle her slightly, an action that had gotten slightly awkward again now that he towered over her.