
The only thing that's left do is live



5 Years
01-11-2015, 07:07 AM
Though Frith had assured her once that life continued and would need her to move on with it, Novella hadn't needed much of a reminder at all of that fact. As an Author there were certainly examples to be set and responsibilities to be met and slowly but surely she was falling back into step with it all. Of course she still thought often of her parents, at last though the happier thoughts and memories of them were beginning to float through her mind, temporarily blocking out the more painful ones to an extent. They however would fill her with a confusing mixture of joy and sadness and from time to time bringing that lingering sense of emptiness and guilt that only made things worse.

She had relied upon Frith a great deal through it all, he had been through the same pain once, perhaps even worse really and remained sympathetic and a guiding support every step of the way. Honestly she had no idea what she would do without him now, could at least be grateful that she had found that special someone as her parents had once found each other, they had met him and of course eventually come to trust and like him as well, there wasn't much more she could asked for. Perhaps only for her siblings to have had the same joy, she had done what she could to support Legend, the two siblings had made it through though and the pack was hopefully going to follow suit in the recovery process.

This morning she moved out alone again to fulfil her duties as an Author, heading first to the borders of Fontamo Bay, a chance to enjoy the soothing waves as well on the peaceful morning. She hadn't made it far at all however when the voice of her son would call out, and Aslan himself would fall into view, the perfect not-so-little mix of his parents. All three had grown up of course, though Aslan's height still astounded her, how on earth had he gotten so tall? She would reach up to nuzzle the boy in return, smiling softly. "Good morning Aslan" She returned the greeting with one of her own. "Is everything ok?"