
The only thing that's left do is live



5 Years
01-11-2015, 07:37 AM
For a moment they would continue along silently, Aslan she figured pondering over her words though she hoped not too carefully. He had been troubled enough as of late evidently and he really didn't need to worry anymore however sweet it was for him to do so. It felt horrible to essentially tell him that she was sad and would continue to be so about the matter but she certainly wasn't going to lie to him about it, give him false hope that she would wake up one day and be back to normal, equally she didn't want to give him false hope that the grief of losing loved ones would just vanish. It wouldn't, just because someone was gone it didn't mean you stopped loving them or thinking about them.

Aslan evidently had been trying to think about them, at least it was the impression that Novella got when the boy finally spoke again, enquiring what his grandparents had been like. She was glad he had asked in some ways, a chance to share some of those happier moments with her son. "They were great leaders once" She began at the start of the story for him. "They had a pack called Ahlon, and that was where I was born." She tried not to think of that strange dream with them in Ahlon. A part of her had longed for another and yet another part of her was still sad that she'd had it in the first place. Sleep had been her escape from the pain.

"Your grandfather was a very clever man, knew so many things. He loved stories as well and was amazing at telling them. He could have told you about himself far better than I can." She smiled softly past the small lump in her throat, that mixture of emotions threatening to reveal themselves once more. She continued through it. "Your grandmother was clever as well, they were both wonderful teachers in fact. She had a rather regal air about her, not egotistical, but I just couldn't help but admire her. She always seemed to know what to do and so quickly too." Her mother would help her now she was sure. "They both loved their family very much, you too, even if you didn't get as much time with them as any of us would have liked."