
The World Crumbling Beneath Me

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-11-2015, 12:26 PM

Aerndís turned her full attention to the girl as Chione charged right at her.  Aern snarled, defenses flying up at the audacity of this brat to attack her after the gladiatrix had so graciously offered her a chance to leave.  Lavender eyes narrowed as her ears pinned tight to her head.  Hackles laced down her back as her head and tail shifted to align with her spine.  Aern's chin tucked as shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back.  The warrioress spread her legs so they were equidistant apart, she spread her weight evenly among them, toes splayed as claws dug into the earth.  The older woman had no doubt the male would likely jump in but she would do her best to teach this whelp a lesson.  

Aerndís had no intention of just standing still and as Chione charged, Aerndís attempted to leap forward and to her own left, upper body curving to the right [Aern's] in toward Chione as she attempted to come at the girl at a slight angle facing in towards Chione's right shoulder.  Aern's leftward movement coupled with Chione's shift to Aern's right would cause the girls headbutt to miss it's intended target. [damage from jaw attack pending]

Aern's jaws parted as she attempted to tilt her head to her own right to form a 45 degree angle, seeking to land her upper canine's in Chione's right eye in attempt to puncture the eye and blind it permanently.  Her lower canines sought to hook at the corner of Chione's right sided jaw.  As she twisted Aern also attempted to throw the front of her left shoulder into the the fleshy, exact center of Chione's upper right forearm with the intent of causing severe bruising and pain.  Simultaneously, as she threw her shoulder her weight shifted and redistributed to her back paws and left forepaw as Aern attempted to lift her right forepaw so she could slam it down on Chione's right forepaw in an attempt to sprain and maybe fracture some of the toes.


Chione vs Aerndís for Maim (blinding in right eye)
Rd. 1 of 2

ooc:  thanks!  How about instead of 3 days for default we do a week?  Also I accept the 10 to 15 ft. distance between them.