
Let us Dance

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-11-2015, 03:13 PM

Aerndís followed suit as Cataleya set her defenses.  Oh, this was going to be fun.  Brow furrowed as her eyes narrowed, ears pinning tightly to her head which lowered to align with her spine.  Her chin tucked, shoulders rolling forward and head scrunching back.  Hackles raised as her tail also moved to align with her spine.  Aern spread her legs equidistant apart, legs bending to lower her center of gravity as she distributed her weight equally among the limbs.  Toes splayed as claws dug into the earth.  Breathing in a deep breath she exhaled and waiting.  Almost as soon as defenses were set Cataleya sprang into action.

Cataleya charges and Aerndís attempts to shift several steps to her own right, pivoting her hips to her right in an attempt to form a 30 degree angle facing in towards Cataleya's left shoulder.  As she moves Cataleya's right shoulder strike glances off the middle front of Aern's left shoulder, light bruising blossoming over it.  Cat's fangs tear moderate four inch lacerations into Aern's left cheek, spilling her blood and sending stings of pain through her head but failing to get a grip as Aerndís digs in with her legs to continue her movement.  A wound that will likely scar.  She feels Cat's paw glance along the outside of her left forearm by the elbow as the original target, Aern's right foreleg is out of reach due to her rightward movement.

Simultaneously as Aerndís attempts to pivot to her right she launches her own attacks, her weight shifts to her right forepaw and back legs, her left foreleg lifting as she attempts to slam her left forepaw down on Cataleya's left forepaw in an attempt to sprain the toes.  Jaw's part as Aern arcs her head to her left hoping to embed her fangs in Cataleya's upper left-sided neck near the underside.  Upper canines seeking to land a few inches behind the corner of Cat's left jaw, her bottom fangs seeking to land in the underside of Cat's throat a few inches down from her lower jaw.  Aern hopes to gain a hold and put pressure on Cat's windpipe to hopefully choke her out.  A third attack also launches from the gladiatrix's arsenal.  With her pivot she also attempts to throw her right shoulder forward and up into the lower underside of Cataleya's neck, just above her sternum in another attempt to knock the wind from her opponent's lungs and maybe bruise the windpipe.


Aern vs Cataleya for Spar
Rd. 1 of 2

ooc:  blargh!  Hope that was clear, I almost never go second so I reaaaallllllly need the practice.  *flails*