
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]



2 Years
01-11-2015, 04:19 PM

Drashiel skittered sharply to the left just narrowly avoiding a kick from one of the oxen.  Dam, that was close.  These beasts would feed them for a good while but there were dangerous payoffs, they could easily be killed on this hunt if they weren't careful.  He heard the bawling call of a calf and knew that they'd succeeded in separating one from it's mother but the mother was coming back for it.  Shit!  He prayed that Talvi would hurry with the killing bite as he dove at the cow, fangs seizing into her back left haunch just behind the knee.  The cow cried out and with a mighty kick threw him off, the hoof just avoiding colliding with his chest.  Drashiel landed on his side with a thump but quickly got back to his feet and charged again at the lumber beast, this time fangs snapping at the creatures underbelly.  Come on, come on!  

Finally the strangled cry of the calf's last breath rang through the field, the cow slowed and Drashiel bolted ahead, turning to stare and snarl at the cow.  She stood forlornly, bellowing softly but when no cry returned she stamped her feet and charged half-heartedly at the King before turning to rejoin the herd.  

Drashiel joined the rest of the wolves at the kill.  "Good work, Satu, Athena, Talvi.  You three in particular were brilliant."  He let out a howl for his wife and the others to join them before me moved in to dig into the calf's gut, soaking his maw in blood as he started to eat.  Being the King did have it's perks after all.
