
It's Never Enough


01-11-2015, 06:30 PM

He would pull her body into his, and she would gladly collapse into him. Her shoulders shook every now and then as she was catching her breath in between her quiet sobs. And exactly what she wanted to hear would come from his lips. 'I love you though,' the "though" making it seem like he understood how she felt about the entire situation. She rose her face, sliding up his neck slowly to try and meet their cheeks together.

"Lian... What if it was just us in the entire world...?"

It would probably make things a whole lot easier. Sure Zola loved her mother and father, but if she had a choice on who she would have to keep, it would be Lian. Neither of them really knew what was right and what was wrong. Zola had really only had Lian and her parents, she didn't get out to meet others. She knew she loved Lian with all of her heart, even the sour parts. She loved him more than she loved either one of her parents even combined.

"I... I want it to be just us."

She would back her head away to look into his cerulean optics, but kept her body in place close beside him. Her eyes twinkled with the tears that were still in her eyes, but she was no longer sobbing.

"I love you more than you know."

Even though she was still so young, she knew what this feeling was. If she hated her siblings, and she loved her parents, then what was more than that? Lian held an even stronger emotion to her, just as strong as her hatred for her younger brother and sister. So what was more than that? It had to be the love that her mother and father had. There was nothing else to compare it to. It was all she ever knew anyway...

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