
The World Crumbling Beneath Me



8 Years
Chrono I
01-11-2015, 09:07 PM

Chione truly had made a devastating mistake. The woman was much more talented than her, and she could tell just by her counter move. But she had already started... she wasn't going to just turn around and run away. It definitely wasn't her nature to hide.

The woman leaped forward making all of Chione's previous attacks in mind, invalid. She would have to think on a whim for what she was going to do next. The two collided, the woman angled her left shoulder to push into Chione's right shoulder, at which point the two were both angled enough for it it to hit more of the face of her shoulder than the front.

Chione would pull her head and body backward, her right side coming more off the ground than her left as she saw her opponent moving. The woman would instantly go for her right eye, which Chione was able to move her head slightly, enough for the woman's left large canine to implant itself just beside her eye, next to the black skin; her right large canine implanting itself on the bridge of her nose. (Red dots where I'm explaining.) Chione would try to open her jaws and make a move to attack, but the woman had clamped down making her unable to use her jaw.

Because the woman moved simultaneously, her bite attack and her shoulder attack, and Chione lifted her right side more off the ground when they collided, her left shoulder did not hit Chione's right forearm as intensely as she planned. It still caused severe bruising and instant pain, but it wasn't enough to make the girl cower and be distracted, especially with the adrenaline coursing through her.

Chione would try to pull her own back legs under her, and bend at her knees (only back knees) to try and push herself up at the woman. Her toes would splay and claws dug into the ground as her tail would curl upward and try to keep her balance with the woman's weight. (This is where she finally attacks) Her front right paw was already lifted from being hit at the forearm, so she tried to hook it around the woman's front left leg (around the knee area) and attempt to pull it out of place and make her lose balance and fall to ground (Aerndis' left side.) She knew any harsh movement would have the woman's teeth pulling holes into her face, but she didn't have a choice. It was either give up or have some pretty nice scars on her face... and she went for the scars.

Since Chione was so focused on trying to pull the woman's left leg out of balance, she didn't even realize that she had lifted her right paw, so she was very successful at crushing down on Chione's left paw, most likely causing toe fractures. It was the most pain she had felt in the entire battle, her left eye closing as the pain really did send her a lot out retreating messages. But she would continuously try and hook her right paw around the woman's left leg.

If all else had failed, she would lean all of her dead weight into her left side, trying to either pull the warrior off her face, or make her come tumbling down with her. After such, she would try to land on her left shoulder and roll.

All the while her ears were pinned, eyes narrowed, and neck scrunched as she didn't change any of those defenses.

(OOC: Since there is only 2 rounds and you have the last post, post when you have the time!)

Chione vs Aerndis For Distraction/Dominance
Round One of Two

Attacks: Pulling legs under body to try and push against Aerndis; Trying to pull Aerndis' left leg off balance with her right paw; [only if she isn't able to throw Aerndis off balance] putting all her dead weight into her left side and roll onto the ground.

Defenses: Bending back legs to push against Aerndis; Tail curling after legs move under body; toes splayed and claws dug into the ground; ears pinned'; eyes narrowed; neck scrunched.

Injuries: Slight bruising to right  shoulder; puncture wounds on face (Refer to ref IC) and under chin; severe bruising to right forearm; fractured toes on left paw (up to judges i guess?)

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon"