
With Eyes Wide Open



5 Years
01-12-2015, 12:52 AM
Walk | Talk | Think 

She had been out trying to be responsible again. Lebrah was no issue - aside from being a little clingy and in need of her attention, he was rather easy to care for - but Espirit was a different matter. Taking after her brothers, he seemed ready to go off and tackle the world head on without the proper training and know-how first. Anais admired his tenacity but at the same time wished he was a little more patient, and was glad her brothers and sister were still willing to lend their support. She had left Espirit in the care of her brothers, planting the idea of them setting out to show the youngster in an early lesson a little bit about hunting, and she was sure it was going to be an educational experience for the lot of them. She almost wished she was gong to be there to see it. 

But she had wanted a moment away, a moment to devote a little more attention to Lebrah that she felt she had neglected to give him as of late. He was but a child himself, just as prone to jealousy as the next wolf and more so for his youthful nature, and she did not want him to grow to resent her little brother for it. She heard his gleeful calls over the distance as she trotted through the woods on her way back, smiling to herself at the sound. Her son was in a good mood then, which was a good sign. it meant she had not neglected him too long as she had feared. 

With no worries, she continued about her leisurely pace, sure he would still be in his good mood once she found him, but to her surprise and horror someone cried out in pain before she could get there. The voice was his, she recognized it instantly, and a natural worry and need to protect urged her into action. "Lebrah?" she called with concern, her trotting gait picking up into a run and hurrying her to the open space just outside of their den. She slowed upon seeing him upright, sitting just beside their den and looking uncharacteristically disheartened. "There you are," she remarked softly, walking forward to creep up along his side gently as he seemed more or less calm now, or at least compared to the usual near-hysterics she would have guessed to find. That, in itself, was strangely odd. "Is something wrong?" Her voice was gentle, concerned, sensing something amiss that she could not place or name as she tried to draw closer to him but not wanting to upset him further by making whatever had happened out to be something greater than it might have been. Maybe he had gotten over his scare already on his own. 

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.