


06-01-2013, 07:16 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Hot breath rolled from jaws set agape, greeting the chilled winter atmosphere in the form of condensation that dissipated almost as quickly as it had manifested. Winter precipitation had not yet begun cascading from the clouds or draping the earth she walked upon in a blanket of white, but the declining temperatures promised snowfall was well on its way to consuming the island. These tell-tale signs of the colder months would be met with angst, for the petite wraith was more than aware that the deer, elk, and any other grazing mammals whose blood she craved and whose carcasses satiated her hunger would either migrate to greener pastures or slowly dwindle in population as they met their untimely demise due to starvation. Hunting would become even more of a complication for the wench who already lacked skills in that department, and the woman feared she would fail to meet the demands of her stomach and even more so if she had multiple stomachs aside from her own to attend to this season should copulation with Seraphim prove to have been a success. If it had, the victory would be bittersweet because of the current situation, but the wench would attempt every trick in the book to ensure a healthy pregnancy and prosperous whelps.

Dainty paws graced the rocky terrain of the bay as she approached the softer sands of the beach, elongated nails clicking against the rugged faces of the rocks as she grappled them for traction and safer navigation. The fallout from the crashing waves had slicked them slightly, forcing the wench to take precautions as she did not desire this serene stroll she had sought to turn into an encounter with death. Sluggishly, her supple and pallid body maneuvered down the trail of boulders, a soft smile dancing across her facial features as her paw-pads met the fine, grainy texture of sand and safety. Metallic eyes darted towards the bubbling sea as all fours touched down to safety, ears idly flicking forward as the ocean gurgled and crashed upon the shore ? the sound oddly soothing to her nerves. Quickly, she traversed the short stretch of sand before the shoreline, drawn to the chilled waters with curiosity and wonderment, rolling back onto her haunches as she reached her final destination near the sea. Eyelids draped over silver depths in contentment and the wraith drew in sharp breaths, exhaling slowly and releasing any built up tension simultaneously with her breath. With all of the recent happenings within the wench?s life, the temporary peace was much needed else she implode due to her sudden anxiety and rage.
