
Just A Dream

Katja the First


8 Years
01-12-2015, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 12:04 AM by Drashiel.)


Her quiet steps did not travel through the mists that eternally wreathed the forest. Kapra followed closely, she knew, though she could neither see nor hear him his scent coiled comfortably around her. The last of the Finnvi vikings.

No, there were others. Laufey, Orochi, their sister. Laufey had so much potential, but the girl had been ruined by their soft childhood and Orochi was as mad as the woman who had birthed them. Laufey... perhaps she would find him, and she and Kapra could mold the boy into the viking he was meant to be. The child of a madman and a madwoman, but Finnvi blood flowed through him and he could be what his father could not.

She broke into an area where the mist had cleared, the sight of a young wolf catching her eyes, and the silver gaze sharpened speculatively. This land belonged to no pack, so what was a young thing like this doing here? Old enough to be of use but young enough to mold into the desired slave, this girl could catch a good price if Alacratia were anything like her old home, where slavery was not only an acceptable practice but the basis of their economy. Hm...

The child was not alone, but the orange bitch who hovered near her had clearly had no hand in raising her, for she carried only the very fresh scent of this encounter overlayed upon the scent of a pack. Katja's eyes were narrowed to sharp silver slits as she stalked closer. Kapra, she trusted, was at her back. To think she once would not have trusted him... Now she trusted only Raisa more.

"This land belongs to no one, child," she spoke, cutting off any reply the orange female may have planned. "Not her, and not the ghost who would haunt this place." Oh, she knew Artemis Elysius was here, trying to claim the land as though she were an alpha. She knew the scent from the bitch's trespassing upon Ebony lands, back when Katja were the alpha. It mattered not.

Her head and tail raised in a gesture of dominance, her ears pressed forward aggressively, she moved closer to the girl. "This child belongs to me," she told the orange alpha coldly, asserting her claim upon the pup in words and posture. "I lay claim to her as my slave and you will not interfere."

She moved her gaze to the pup. "Come," she barked. She expected the child to resist, and was fully ready to claim her by force.


Round 0/?




OOC Notes:

Edited by lunarcat on 1/13 to remove the first paragraph that was accidentally left in from the Olympus challenge