
yellow flicker beat


01-12-2015, 05:12 PM
The young pup had worked hard to sneak out of the den. Okay, it wasn't that hard. Momma and Daddy were out doing some pack things and 'cle Greek was watching them. He wasn't a great babysitter, though- cause he dozed off and fell asleep when he thought the pups were all asleep. He told great stories though! Sure enough, when she heard the snoring of her siblings, she extracted herself slowly, and quickly and softly ran towards the mouth of the den. Her little rump wiggling behind her in excitement, she pushed out into the dusk. The forest seemed scarier now that it was darker, but she just wanted to see things! Maybe she'd find a bear- like momma fought! Nosily, she nosed the ground- pushing through the sparse undergrowth and she went whereever her paws led her. 

She wasn't sure how long she'd been exploring, but she sort of felt cold and tired. She stopped and looked around- and felt a flicker of fear as she realized that she didn't know where she was. She pushed it down and tried to summon some courage, as she swallowed nervously. Momma and Daddy wouldn't be scared! She kept moving forward, rooting around until she came up on a big old rock. She scrambled up on it, and looked around. She howled slightly, a squeaky sound but it made her feel like a grown-up! She stood up there, her little coat fluffed out against the North wind as she looked around world.