
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-12-2015, 07:35 PM

Her teeth didn't stay in his scruff for long, but she let him go and soon sought to sink her greedy fangs to the left side of his neck. He didn't have time to even move, her teeth sinking into the left side of his neck, just about an inch above his left shoulder. His shoulders had rolled forward and his neck scrunched, so her teeth only cause minor puncture wounds. Her teeth hardly bit in far at all, mostly fur and skin pinched between her jaws. His own bite sunk into her flesh though, blood from her left foreleg trickling into his mouth. Apollo's ears pressed back tighter against his skull as his teeth didn't really meet their mark, instead his teeth were just above her left ankle. Apollo attempted to bite down harder and lock his jaws together, trying to twist his head to his left and snap her left leg. He may not have a grip of her ankle, but he hoped that the force of the twist would pop the shoulder from the socket, and hoped that his bite was strong enough to shatter her bones. He had been able to pull her right forelimb out with his own left, and immediately sought to plant his left forelimb firmly back on the ground.

Things started to shift when he felt Cataleya's weight pressing on his neck. His legs spread along with his toes spreading, claws biting into the ground as he tried to fight back against her shoving. Apollo shifted his weight towards his left, muscles straining under her larger weight. Boy, she was one big fat ass. Growling, he jutted out his left shoulder and aimed to press it up into the center of her chest. He knew that it wouldn't do much damage from this close, but he was hoping that it would cause her enough discomfort to stop her from pressing her weight on to him. He could feel a minor bruise starting to form around the wound she had caused on the left side of his neck, the pressure making the area quite sore. Letting out a growl his body shook somewhat, fighting against the strain on his muscles. He would not be giving up. If she wanted to try to claim him, he was going to make sure that she left with some sort of scars if she ended up winning. His tail was still aligned with his spine, head doing its best to align with his spine as well. His muscles tensed where they could, hackles raised. His legs were still slightly bent, although they quivered slightly beneath her weight.

APOLLO vs CATALEYA for MAIM (breaking front left leg)/PROTECTION FROM CLAIM
Round 2 of 2