
already gone.


01-12-2015, 11:41 PM

The girl had felt it, it was like she could hear her soul crying up to the heavens. She was too late to see Tahlia one last time, she tried so hard to be there. But it wasn't enough. She lurked around those parts for a long while, but now that she was gone, what was she going to do next? She could see if Talon would let her stay with him and Kangi... Or try and settle somewhere in a pack? She could just stay hidden away like she had been...

For now she was making her way south, even if she wanted the stay on the mainland, she could still visit him. She had found herself into the entrance of some unusual caverns, a light shining down at the other end, or what she thought was the end. She would just look inside for a long moment... Not too sure if she wanted to go inside, but something inside was drawing her in...

By the time she made it to the other side, there was no other side. She looked down another tunnel that led to more light at the end. Maybe she was dead? She would start to walk towards the next skylight until she noticed someone else's scent. She then came to a halt and witched her ears to see if she could hear them. But if they hadn't noticed she was here, she let out a quiet whine that echoed around her, making her jump. If she barked, she might have sounded threatening. SHe didn't want someone coming after her thinking she was a monster of some sort...

Walk "Talk" Think