
you won't feel a thing !


06-01-2013, 08:05 PM

The male found his tail wagging slightly as Liste praised him, a smile flickering across his face as he examined her. "Well, thank you." Angeal responded with a slight nod, "But I enjoy telling stories." He liked seeing the way that her gaze seemed to light up when she listened, and though Angeal wasn't sure why, he liked seeing how happy she was when she listened to him.

Her approach had largely gone unnoticed, but Angeal noticed absently that she was closer to him now than she had been before. The thought was almost a pleasant one, and against his will, he found himself drifting over slightly as well. They were close enough now that the ends of their fur brushed, and though Angeal hardly reacted, his thoughts were a jumble inside.

What was he going to do? There was no denying that he felt strong emotions for her. But how could he hope that she would return them? And even if she did, would she still do so if she knew everything about him? Angeal rather doubted that. He had been a killer in days past, and how could any wolf care about a monster such as himself?

A blessed distraction came in the form of Liste's voice in the air, reaching his ears from what sounded like a vast distance. The male shook his head slightly as he glanced towards her, ears pricking in the female's direction. A pack? And one that she liked. Hmm. Could he form a new life with her? One far away from old ghosts of his past? Angeal though that perhaps, perhaps, he might be able to. "Liste..." Angeal hesitated, then changed tactics swiftly. "I would follow you wherever you wish to go," The wolf lowered his head slightly in her direction, a smile flickering across his features. "I may not be fit to be a member of any pack, but I could try to be." And for her, he would try.

He would try to be better.
