
how lost we are.



10 Years
01-13-2015, 08:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 08:52 AM by Ara.)
Ara couldn't imagine ever not having someone to care for. As a healer, altruism ran deep in her veins; she wanted to help, she wanted to nurture, she wanted to love. She had been content to help Novel through her struggles after she had been hurt, and she had been beyond grateful when Novel had told her she wanted Ara to help raise her children. Their children. The thought of having more babies to care for had entered her mind. Though she had never considered herself the motherly type, she did love Psalm and Hymn more than she had ever expected, and the thought of more children was certainly a possibility.

"We don't have to," she would assure Novel quickly. It was painful to see that familiar look of fear in her eyes and she would murmur softly to her as she pulled Novel closer for yet another embrace. It was painful to admit it, but her parents were dying, wherever they were -- and the thought of Psalm and Hymn growing up and not needing their mothers to care for them left a feeling of sadness in her heart. "It was just a thought," she would say finally, not wanting to upset Novel with her train of thought, but she swore she heard a bit of excitement in her voice too.

She hadn't considered just how they might have more children. Novel had been through to much to even consider doing it again; Ara couldn't bear to see her in more pain. And she had never considered that she'd actually have to carry the children herself. A thoughtful smile painted her features then. "I just wanted to bring it up, in case the opportunity arose..." It might never, and she didn't want to get her hopes up. And more than that, she didn't want to put Novel through anything that might hurt her.