
Just A Dream

Katja the First


8 Years
01-13-2015, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 01:41 PM by Tealah.)

Kapra moved up behind her, his words sliding into the clearing as he did. "Wir werden sehen, Vetter," she murmured in return, her silver gaze remaining on the pup. The girl submitted docilely - good. She would make for a good slave. There was... dissatisfaction, restlessness from being denied battle but battle with this young child would have been empty...

Freyja may have abandoned her, but Katja was no fool. The sudden sound of a spray of forest debris as the orange woman launched herself forward, the movement in her peripheral vision drew her focus immediately from the girl to the hündin who sought to attack her, and Katja dropped immediately into a fighter's stance. Her stance widened to just barely past shoulder- and hip-width apart, squared so that her weight was evenly balanced between all four paws. Her joints were loose, and slightly bent for ease of movement, her blackened toes splayed apart and blunt claws digging into the earth for grip. Her tail moved to be level with her spine, ready to lash like a cat's for balance, and her silver-flecked hackles rose from hips to neck. Her head dropped level with her spine as her shoulders rolled forward to bunch up the skin and fat of her scruff. Her ears pressed firmly back against her skull, her silver eyes narrowing to protect them. Her chin tucked slightly toward her throat to provide a protective barrier, her muzzle and brow wrinkling in a silent snarl so the loose skin could provide added protection to her eyes. Her focus narrowed, hyperaware of Jupiter's movements and adrenaline surged through her. Adrenaline, and satisfaction. Yes, this was what she needed to regain the favor of the gods. Blood, and battle, and war, and pain - this was what the gods asked of her.

Pawsteps came from behind them, but she would simply have to trust Kapra to handle himself and keep this new wolf - whether ally or enemy - from interfering.

"Gaman í leiden, Kaprasíus," she whispered.

Before Jupiter's rush could impact, Katja sidestepped to her own right. She did not seek to avoid the strike completely - the blow glanced along the front of her left shoulder, and shifting her weight to pivot the viking allowed the momentum of the rush to help spin her around ninety degrees to her left rather than standing against it, minimizing the bruising to the shoulder so that the small amount of bruising along the front of her left shoulder would be within the realm of mild bruising, only enough to cause a sharp pain but not enough to slow the movement of that leg. The sidestep and a quick jerk of Katja's head toward her own right also foiled Jupiter's attempt at gaining a crushing grip to Katja's eyes, the bite instead gauging a moderate furrow along the meaty part of Katja's left cheek as the viking moved. Jupiter's right paw, smashing down to attack a limb that is no longer there but is instead rather farther to the left than before, misses entirely.

In retaliation Katja shifted her weight to her hindquarters and sought to rear up to bring her head and shoulders above Jupiter's, aiming for her body to be perpendicular to Jupiter's with her chest facing Jupiter's left shoulder. Her right shoulder rolled forward, Katja sought to drop her whole weight upon the point of her right shoulder, the blow aimed for the left side of Jupiter's windpipe near the jaw and seeking to smash, to deviate the tube with the full force of her weight and gravity. She kept her chin tilted down to protect her throat, her tail lashing behind her and her hind legs spread, claws digging in to balance her in the temporarily precarious position.

As she attempted to drive forward Katja sought to latch her own teeth into Jupiter's eyes from above as her weight came down. Her lower teeth were aimed for the outside edge of Jupiter's left eyeball, her upper teeth for the outside edge of the right eyeball, and her intention was to snap her jaws together and grip onto the bone between the sockets - simultaneously seeking to destroy her opponent's eyes and shove her head down. Katja's left forepaw had aimed to come up as she reared, and she attempted to plant the paw upon the top front part of Jupiter's muzzle by the nose, toes seeking to flex hard and drive her blunt flaws against the sensitive leathery part of her nose for grip and whatever damage could be drawn from the soft surface as Katja attempted to shove down and forward upon Jupiter's muzzle - attempting to force it down and to Jupiter's right.

She would not be displeased if this trifecta of attacks forced Jupiter to the ground - for like a man upon a horse, controlling the head could allow a smaller creature to gain the upper hand - but she would not count on it, alert and ready to spring away once more if she must. The wolves of this land were soft and foolish, but there were exceptions... she could not be caught unaware.

KATJA vs JUPITER for FULL BLINDING (retaliatory maim)

Round 1/2

Defenses: 2nd paragraph (adjustments as needed throughout)

Attacks: point of right shoulder aimed to left side of Jupiter's windpipe (with full weight behind it), jaws aiming for eyes from above, left paw attempting to grip and push muzzle

Injuries: mild bruising to front of left shoulder (bruising mitigated by her pivot), moderate gash to left cheek

OOC Notes: Permission obtained from Eve to fix my stupid rounds. Is clearly not round 0. *headdesk*