
Help, I'm Dying.


01-13-2015, 10:29 PM

The woman would move slightly to her own right so that his shoulder landed more on the left portion of her chest. A moderate bruise would flare across his left shoulder immediately. Her movement had also caused his jaws to land lower than expected. His fangs would sink in about midway down the left side of her neck. His jaws would immediately seek to clamp shut while simultaneously he sought to thrash his head back and forth, wanting to rip open her flesh. Though in his haste, pain flared across his neck. Her fangs met their mark, landing on the back of his, about midway as well. Moderate puncture wounds bled across his neck, the crimson liquid standing his already russet pelt. Simultaneously her shoulder jab at his windpipe, causing him to gag, though he refused to relinquish his grip, trying hard to maintain it. He was inexperienced, that much was evident. Her left forepaw would slam down on his own left forepaw, heavy bruising flaring across his paws.

In an act of rebellion he would seek to release his hold on her neck, his crown lowering as he attempted to grab a hold of her left foreleg. He sought to sink his fangs into the soft portion just above her left elbow. He didn't care what damage he did, so long as he did something. His defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed, tail straight and aligned with spine.

COLTEN vs CATALEYA for COHEN: round 2/2