
The stars, are your soul.


06-01-2013, 09:46 PM

A deeper feeling that no one could explain ran through Orion.His head lifted up to the sky that was full of glistening stars. What a wonderful sight this was, and Orion knew that this is what he needed to wind up his day.His ears laid back as he closed his eyes, a soft wind ran through his fur, which brought a smile to his maw.

This wind was like nothing he had felt before, it was warm to the touch. A soothing warm, not a i want to burn your flesh off type of warm. This feeling made him know that his mother was looking over him, and Orion knew that she would never leave his side. Orion's tail swayed gently as he opened his eyes and looked across the land.

The night was young and peaceful, the sound of owls echoed in the distance. His ears perked up as he lowered his head and stood up gently, so that he would not disturb the sleeping rabbits int he burrow next to him. His yellow blue eyes,and the golden brown seemed to glow with in the light of the moon.

He looked up at the skies and smiled, Orion always thought that he could feel those who have passed. And now are the ones looking over the youth of this land. To some it may sound crazy, but to him, it was who he was. That was not going to change anything. Orion knew that he was from the stars, and his heart would always stay their.
