
he comes



6 Years
Extra large
01-14-2015, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2015, 02:36 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier would look up in amusement as the strange wolf began to insult him. He would also realize for the first time that the wolf was not the pup he was expecting, his amusement would turn to a frown as he slowly moved his eyes from Lebrah, to Anais who was with him now. He tilted his head a silent, but obvious question in his eyes as he did so – she had made Lebrah sound like her child but he could see now that this was far from the case, this wolf might well be older then Anais! And certainly there was no family resemblance.

His eyes moved back to the excited, pup like adult stuck in the trees. Still attempting to get a grip on the situation and still holding his massive bulk against the tree. He made no comment to the wolf's strange words, he could see the potential of its truth – if Anais had no friends it would explain her weary approach to life, but she would have no more need to stress over that – even if he was her only friend, he was determined to become one that could allow her to see the world without fear.

The wolf would finally start to come down the tree, using Glacier's own massive back to slid from the tall branches into the ground. The brute held steady beneath the (definitely not a pup) bulk that was still much small then his own abnormal build. On the ground, the pup/adult was no less insulting then he had been in the tree. Apparently, his deep blue coat was reason enough to dislike a bloke that lent you their aid. “So... this is your 'pup'” he would tease the tiny wolf as he pulled himself down from the tree, shaking out his coat and moving back to Anais's side.


Art by Arin