
Always Amazed



3 Years
01-14-2015, 02:44 PM

The young alphaess spoke about allowing him to start out as a hunter before honing his skills to become a warrior. This fact made him nod with a small grin to show that he was pleased with the offer.  "I'd like that very much." The words were passed through his determined maw as he gave her a confident look. It would not take him long to rise through the ranks, at least he hoped not. He considered how fast he was rushing into joining a pack. He had created a plan that involved finding out more information on each northern pack but it seemed to have gone down the hole when he met an alpha offering him a home. She held a certain warmth and kindness to her that made him confident that her pack would not do anything that he considered bad or evil. These were the traits he needed from a pack.

Only a few moments after he had finished his sentence had she spoken once more. She offered to lead him to his new home and he offered her an almost apologetic smile. "Could we have a few minute delay to that? There is a rabbit I caught earlier buried in my den and I'd like to fetch it." It seemed foolish to go back after a rabbit but Damon knew only too well the price of food and how scarce it could be in the north sometimes. He only hoped it would not appear strange to the female who did not know him and the hardships he had endured in his former home.