
Valentine's Day Puppies!!


01-14-2015, 03:21 PM
Toothless is looking to play Fate Destruction

Full Body Reference - 34 Inches - Voice Reference - 127 Pounds - "Fate"

Behind the name: One of the Discworld's most implacable gods, and very difficult to understand. He looks like a pleasant, middle-aged man, but his eyes are starry voids. It is possible (although difficult) to bargain with him, but proverbially impossible to cheat him, although this has been done at least once. (Cohen the Barbarian rolled a 7 on a six-sided die by cleaving it in half in midair.) He is known to play games against The Lady using mortals as pawns, and always plays to win. He also plays against other gods; but The Lady is said to be his only serious rival, as Fate always wins when the players stick to the rules. (It is also noted that gods never play by the rules). His Temple is situated in the Gods' Quarter of Ankh-Morpork. It's a small, heavy, leaden temple, where hollow-eyed and gaunt worshippers meet on dark nights for predestined and fairly pointless rites. He is said to come from a world other than the Disc.

Behind the looks: Several different hues bless the boy's coat in different patterns and fashions to give the unique individual a look that others will not soon forget. Pale goldenrod eyes bless the boy with great fortune which compliments the chocolate brown mask surrounding the boy's eyes that runs down the top of his snout. Dark brown, almost black, hues run up his legs which fades off into the pure ivory shade of color that covers all parts of his body other than those already mentioned around the middle of the leg. The tail is dipped in the same dark brown as the boy's legs and it fades off only a little way up the base. Strong and prevalent muscles in his legs and sides only support the 34 inch build that the warrior possesses. Clearly defined features that run up to his face complete the well-built boy to turn him into the Destruction he is.

Behind the voice: The low tenor tone omitted from Fate's maw can often be compared to that of Aidan Turner's voice (Kili from The Hobbit) to expanse things like how they pronounce words to how their voice stretches across a cavern or a room. Often times, Fate holds a crisp and clean tone to his words, keeping them organized in a very delicate manner.

Personality: To say that he was not related to his parents in any way except blood would be a terrible lie. A young and quiet prince with an adventurous heart is an easy way to sum up the young boy in a single sentence though there is more to it than that. He mimics both his father and mother in several ways when it comes to how he acts, thinks, and behaves. He is a calm wolf with a bit of an adventurous soul who is not afraid to speak his mind when things require it. He will not stand by and let another wolf take the blame for his actions as he despises liars. He is quiet when his morals are not crossed by commands or new rules. Likely, he will be very close to his family, particularly his agemate sister.

Fate will be a very curious wolf and will often look to find answers for himself rather than being given answers from others. While he is respectful of authority, he will likely use his title to help him gain respect within the pack. Being a son of the Authors, he will probably seek guidance from them while trying to train himself to become a leader. He will have worries about things that are on his mind and about what his future will hold but not before he has a chance to be carefree and have fun. Often times, these two traits will clash in his mind until he chooses one over another. A majority of the time he will inevitably choose to worry away.

Plans: So in the books, Fate and The Lady Luck are constantly opposed but I'd actually like for him to be very close with his sister. ^^ I aim to have Fate grow up to be close to his family but close to his sister, mother, and father in particular. He will grow to look up to his father as a role model unless something tragic happens to change that. Fate will also look to become a warrior of sorts. I plan for him to be fairly well behaved with few infractions. He loves his family and will likely remain in Threar until he dies.

RP sample: A frog just jumped into the water in front of your pup and gets splashed because of this. How does your pup react?

Carefully the boy moved forward near the shore of the bay. Aureolin pale yellow eyes gazed out over the view as he walked around. He loved the water because it always had a beautiful and serene appearance to it. He had relaxed, not paying much attention to the things happening around him as he went into a sort of meditation like his father often did. Closing his eyes, his paws barely dipped into the water to cover his paws. SPLASH. His meditation interrupted by the wet feeling that water provided hitting his leg up to his upper thigh. He looked down to see a slimy amphibian in front of him as the creature gave him a sort of look. Hmmn, a frog. His mind instantly made a connection between the way it looked and a name to call it by.

The curious pup leaned down until his muzzle was at eye level with the frog. He looked down because the Destruction child wanted to observe what was going to happen. The frog looked back before making a jump. He closed his eyes once more as Fate carefully remained still and soon his snout felt cold. One of his daisy eyes opened and he saw the frog sitting on his nose. He let out a soft chuckle as he rose, making the frog jump off of his nose and skip away. "G'bye froggie!" He called out happily before waltzing off along the shore to find another place to meditate.