
Valentine's Day Puppies!!



5 Years
01-14-2015, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2015, 01:10 PM by Aldoro.)

[Image: 15hpiu.jpg]

NAME; Luck Destruction

APPEARANCE; This young lady carries attributes from both her mother and her father, which include magnificent mixes of mocha browns and cream-like hues. Although, as an adult, she will appear to be vaguely small, smaller than her mother at her adult height. This being, Luck will always seem extremely fragile, like a thin shard of glass. Her size in general, as well, will also remain on the smaller size. Or to put it simply- her whole self will look small. Her height, her weight, etc. Nearly everything. But her appearance doesn't destroy her confidence.

Luck carries an interesting set of colors and patterns. To begin, a majority of her body is swallowed by a gentle mocha brown color, which is saddled by a tan-cream hue. This cloak stretches from the back of her head to the point in which her tail begins. There aren't very many other spots that consist of this color, besides the mask that covers her face. Appearing upon all four of her paws are darker brown socks, as well. The same color covers the very tip of her tail, and also is seen on the tip of her ears and beneath her eyes.

The same tan color that saddles her back also forms a mask upon her facial features. The mask comes around her eyes and ends at her nose, appearing large upon her head. The fur that exposes these magnificent colors is smooth and soft, usually clean and neat. But it's a little longer than the normal fur. As a pup this won't be a problem though, only as an adult and/or young adult. Finally, her eyes hold a soft blue color, similar to her mother and father's eyes.

PERSONALITY; At first, due to Luck being so small and cute, it's not rare for one to mistake her for being delicate and shy. Of course, she's extremely timid. Even the slightest, quietest noise will scare her to death, and this will last til adulthood. But she isn't shy. She's very social, willing to talk with anyone, willing to make friends with anyone. Although, her traits can make this a bit confusing. Luck loves her mother and father to death, mostly her mother, though. She always go to her when things are questioning, silly, etc. But once again, this does not make her shy and antisocial.

Ultimately, Luck loves to talk! Some might even find her annoying because she talks so much! She's always itching to get out even the most minor of news or events going on, along with certain things she's been doing, etc. And her socialization skills will also be pretty advanced, too! So, despite being amazingly timid and jumpy, she loves to speak and have conversations with others. And she's always willing to, too. All it takes is another friendly soul.

Luck is also very friendly when it comes to meeting and socializing with others. She thinks over the things she says, careful not to blurt the wrong thing out, and attempts to constantly talk in a calm, gentle voice. She knows very well that their may be some shy, sensitive souls out there that don't like yelling and overpowering personality. Although this will probably come to her as oblivious at a younger age, when she has yet to meet a lot of others besides her brother, mother, and father. But, really, overall Luck is just harmless. She wouldn't hurt a butterfly!

This young lady had her adventurous personality passed down onto her by her mother. Not fearless, though, just adventurous. Especially at a young age Luck will constantly be itching and begging to explore and see more of the world. As an adult, she'll stay close to her family, but exploration and little vacations away from home might happen occasionally. After all, as a pup, the fact that there is more of the world outside of Threar will come as amazing to her. Even though she is as timid and as cowardly as a simple, scrawny turkey.

PLANS; I'd have her stay in Threar with her family once she gets older. Even though she loves adventure, I like the idea of her being with her mother and father. She loves them both amazingly- it wouldn't be realistic for her to leave. And I'm still thinking on it...but I think Luck would fit the healing category best. It fits her personality. She doesn't like violence very much, so I don't think a fighter would be very fitting. Idk about hunting though...once again, I'm still thinking on it!

RP SAMPLE; Splash. Luck let out an alarmed squeal and staggered backward, feeling water spray up into her face. She fell back onto her rear with her tail tucked aggressively between her hind legs, eyes squeezed shut and quiet whines emitting from her little body. Today Daddy had let her and Luck go out to explore for a little while, agreeing to let them go off on their own, but for them to stay close by. Of course, she had obeyed!

After all, she wanted Momma close by in case something bad happened. But everything was so pretty! The water, the bright flowers, the birdies flying overhead. They were all so nice to observe! But some things were scary sometimes.

The young girl slowly lowered herself down to the grass, trembling, chest brushing against the soaked grass below her. Whatever this monster wasn't going to get her. She'd get it first! But naturally, her paws moved her backward, and she didn't even notice it. "Don't...don't mess with the mighty...L-Luck." She growled, fear choking through her shaky words. "I have big sharp teeth!" She shouted a little louder, when suddenly, a twig snapped beneath her paw.

Luck gasped loudly and twisted around, accelerating herself toward the den in a bundle of slightly wet, long fur. "Daaaaddy!" She heaved, attempting to pick up the pace without tripping. "The monster is going to eat me, Daddy!" She cried, finally making it to the large den and racing inside without even a slight bit of hesitation.