
Valentine's Day Puppies!!



1 Year
01-14-2015, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2015, 03:14 PM by Hemera.)
Name: Fate

Appearance: Fate is 30 inches tall in height, and 123 pounds weight-wise. Her eyes are always full of wonder and curiosity. It's strange to see her tail stop wagging for more than a minute or two. It's easy to see what she's feeling, either from the look on her face or the way she's sitting. Her emotions are also reflected in her eyes if she feels something other than pure happiness. She walks with a small hop, as if she cannot control her emotions and has to bounce to show them even more. With her wagging tail, Fate's walk may be able to put a smile on any wolf's face.

Fate's base fur color is cream, almost white in color. In fact, unless another wolf looked close, they wouldn't see the spot of white on her back. It starts at her scruff, and ends at the base of her tail. It's bordered with strands of brown fur, making it a little more noticeable. The tip of her cream tail is dipped in dark brown, or black. The color fades into cream again, or the cream darkens into that color. Her paws are also this color. The darker color only reaches her knees on her front paws, but almost reaches her flanks on her back paws. The tips of her cream ears are dipped in brown, the same brown that makes a mask around her eyes and the top of her snout. The mask is bordered with white strands of fur, more obvious than the spot of white on her back.

Fate's eyes stand out the most, even if her markings make her very pretty. A deep gold, they almost look like they belong to an older wolf. They have flecks of darker gold, and are very pretty if another wolf decides to look into them. 

Personality: Fate is 30 inches tall in height, and 123 pounds weight-wise. Her eyes are always full of wonder and curiosity. It's strange to see her tail stop wagging for more than a minute or two. It's easy to see what she's feeling, either from the look on her face or the way she's sitting. Her emotions are also reflected in her eyes if she feels something other than pure happiness. She walks with a small hop, as if she cannot control her emotions and has to bounce to show them even more. With her wagging tail, Fate's walk may be able to put a smile on any wolf's face.

Fate's base fur color is cream, almost white in color. In fact, unless another wolf looked close, they wouldn't see the spot of white on her back. It starts at her scruff, and ends at the base of her tail. It's bordered with strands of brown fur, making it a little more noticeable. The tip of her cream tail is dipped in dark brown, or black. The color fades into cream again, or the cream darkens into that color. Her paws are also this color. The darker color only reaches her knees on her front paws, but almost reaches her flanks on her back paws. The tips of her cream ears are dipped in brown, the same brown that makes a mask around her eyes and the top of her snout. The mask is bordered with white strands of fur, more obvious than the spot of white on her back.

Fate's eyes stand out the most, even if her markings make her very pretty. A deep gold, they almost look like they belong to an older wolf. They have flecks of darker gold, and are very pretty if another wolf decides to look into them. 


RP sample: Fate's golden eyes narrowed as she pounced at the frog in front of her. She paid no attention to the puddle until the frog jumped in it. Mud splattered her cream fur, and Fate tilted her head at the mud-coated frog. "It's a giant mon-frog!" She yelped, attempting to say the word 'monster' but wasn't able to. She jumped at the frog, her tail wagging so hard it hit her sides. "Face me, frog!" She yelped at the frog, who hopped away from her. The pup jumped at the mud puddle, getting absolutely filthy in the process. The frog hopped out of the puddle, not too far away. "Come back here!" In her mind, Fate was probably coming up with a story to tell her brother and parents. I was exploring, and I found a frog. It was a GIANT frog! Beat that, Luck!  The pup's black paws landed on the frog, and she stared down at it, her gold eyes shining. "I finally found you, frog!" Well, that wasn't exactly true. She had been tracking it. Nipping at the frog, she didn't pay any attention to the loud croak that escaped the creature.....Or how it went limp after. All she was focused on was defeating the frog so she could show her family.

Of course, she wanted it alive. Not that it was, anymore. But Fate didn't really think of the fact that it wasn't trying to escape. Instead, she picked it up, gently, and turned her head so that she could see where she was at. And instantly, doubt pierced through her. It was just......She was so far away from home, wasn't she? And it was getting pretty dark, wasn't it? And real giant monster frogs came out at night, didn't they? Fate was so scared with the idea of her made of monster that she didn't notice that she wasn't really that far from home, and that there was still light to travel by. Glancing up at the sky, she noticed the sun, almost the color of her golden eyes. It cast the word in light, still, but was sinking behind the trees. Yellow and red radiated near it. And near that......The first star of the night! Bouncing towards where she assumed she had come from, she kept her golden gaze towards the sky. And that's why she stumbled. 

A surprised yelp escaped Fate as she fell, dropping the dead frog. The cream pup  got to her paws quickly, glancing back at the frog. Within a moment, her tail, which had stopped wagging for a moment, began to wag again. She pounced at the limp frog, noting that it was cold. "I got you again, frog! You'll be my pet!"