
Like a feather on the sands. {Aldoro}



5 Years
01-14-2015, 08:39 PM

His voice brought her back to reality with a quick and provocative manner, longing to hear every syllable he spoke. Like the light in a dark forest his vocals lit up the treeline, and the emptiness she felt, cold discomfort, began to disappear slowly as she came back from her near-fall. Her lavender gaze fluttered open with great effort behind them, a heaviness forcing down on her long white lashes, optics that were once bright were now dim yet relaxed. She was eager to return his words, practically rushing to leave no gap of time between the moment he ceased to speak, to the time she started her french-laced words, "Forever, always yours." She felt her connection to this brute grow stronger every time they had seen one another, and she had felt the tension between them boil to the point of feeling like she was incapable of holding back her excitement. And now it had finally happened, everything she had been worried about was now gone, she wouldn't be alone any longer.

Her gaze searched for his relentlessly fluttering open and closed as she did so, refusing to not be able to touch the brute as she spoke out, her tone relaxed yet eager, "No, no... It's nothing, I promise." She let a small smile caress her obsidian lined maw, narrow muzzle giving her love a few gentle licks to his opposite cheek with a reassuring presence behind her loving words. Her mind was clearing for the time being and she found a greater strength increasing in her delicate, thin stems, lifting herself back up to where she had been with such grace and elegance behind her every move. "I must be just tired is all." She spoke out with cautious thought behind each word, though she wished not to let it come between this moment they shared. "I'm sure I just need to rest." She finalized her beliefs before gazing up at the obsidian male, nuzzling at his cheek and neck with gentle compassion.

"Speech" Thoughts