
you won't feel a thing !


06-01-2013, 10:48 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

ooc;; This shall be short, just closing it up! I will start a thread in Ludicael after!

She felt the heat of him as he moved closer to her as well, and flushed even more. She couldn't explain why she felt so energized and so nervous around him. It was an unfirmiliar feeling, but one she very much enjoyed. She never wanted it to end.

Liste had done this impossible and shown her feelings just a little bit. As she waited for his response, her body was tense and she felt as though she was quivering with worry. Of course, his words put her at rest. Angeal would come. A wide smile spread across her maw before he had even finished speaking, and without thinking she let her body fall against his, softly nuzzling the side of his neck. She was on a high of pure joy. The thought came to her that perhaps this was too much, but she pushed it away. If today was the day to by daring, she wasn't stopping now.

Come then! she said excitedly as she rose to her feet, tail wagging. It's still early. I'll drag this deer away, and then I can bring you there! She didn't even bother waiting for a response. She just took up the deer in her mouth, with ease from the adrenaline coursing through her veins, and pranced off in the direction of the Ludicael mangrove.

-exit Liste-

Tagged: Angeal | Word Count: no idea