
Unknown Territory


01-14-2015, 10:04 PM

A question began to form on the womans lip, but she cut it short, realization setting in. The Queen would smirk in acknowledgement when her own named rolled off the womans tongue. It seemed Maija had told this woman a thing or two. Her tricolored skull would dip in greeting, though the motion was not returned. She was not one for pleasantries, preferring to get right to the point. Thankfully, this one would. Her full name rolled off her tongue. Adravendi. It hung like a guillotine above her head. But she would quickly explain about she had become an Adravendi, not by blood, but by adoption. If only that was enough to save her from her husband. She would inquire about Maija, but also wanted a political chit chat. Very well.

"Maija is well, thanks to you. But as for alliances. Your name puts you in grave danger here, my dear." Her smirk would fade, eyes darkening with dangerous intent. "The Adravendi killed my husbands son, and he seeks their downfall. Permanently." She would carefully annunciate her last word, making it entirely clear that Arcanum would one day spill every last drop of Adravendi blood. "But, you did save my precious gem, and I suppose I can't let that go unnoticed." She sounded thoughtful now, as though she was pondering whether or not to spare the young queen from her husbands wraith.
