
dancin' for no reason



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-14-2015, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2015, 10:40 PM by Cascade.)


Cascade tried and failed to cover up a smirk at Valen's reaction. Ok... so she didn't actually try. She just straight up grinned smugly.

Up until another contraction squeezed her. Sigh. She waved her paw - bye bye - absently at Ellis. Wasn't like she'd really need a healer anyway, right? Wolves had been birthing wolves since wolves existed. Besides, she was a descendant of DIRE WOLVES, unlike the wusses here in Imperium. Surely she could handle anything even Valentine could spawn.

The sentiment made her feel oddly sentimental, or maybe it was the hormones, but either way the purple landwhale leaned over and swiped her tongue affectionately over Valen's dark ears, smoothing the fur on his handsome head. Silly little duck - was it just now sinking in that he was going to have little mini-Valens running around?

"Sure, it's pretty exciting," she answered Mercy amiably, unaware of any undercurrent to the question. "You know, these'll be the first Saxe babies of a new generation. First Saxes at all since my litter!" She grinned mischievously at Valen. "My brother Neios is so jealous."

Some hours later

The conversation had continued for some time, while Cascade grew... well, bored with labor. But finally the contractions had intensified, until finally something actually started to happen. And... it was pretty awful, not going to lie. Not the easiest thing she'd ever been through, but she pressed her skull to Valen's shoulder and forced herself to breath through the pain, keeping herself calm and collected until finally... a puppy slipped into the world. Valentine's first born - a son.

Cascade nudged the wet, squalling infant toward her front paws to lick him clean, incidentally also providing the infant's father a good look at the little tyke that didn't involve staring at her hindquarters. Awww, lookit the little bit. Valen's blue, fading up into her own Ebony. What color would his eyes be, she wondered. Blue like Valen's, or like hers - purple or yellow? Or would the little dude inherit her heterochromia and have more than one color? There were indistinct smudges under the pup's glued-closed eyes... would they someday be dots like Valen?

"Why don't you name him?" she suggested as another contraction wracked her form. "Tell you what, why don't you name all of them? I'm probably going to be a bit busy for a while..."

And so she had to concentrate on the next Valen-parasite making its way into the world, though she was aware that the first little guy had been introduced to her teats. Valen or Mercy? Or had instinct managed to take over? Well, it didn't matter - this second pup was wayyy easier than the first, either because it was smaller... which it might have been... or because the first pup had already gotten her body ready... which is probably had... another boy. "Gee, Valen, you really are making a bunch of mini-you's to take over aren't you?" she joked as she cleaned this boy as well. This one was practically the spitting image of Valen, colorwise. Cutie.

Again contractions began, and this pup arrived even faster than the other two, and began squalling practically as soon as she hit air. Wow was she a noisy little bint! A little girl to add to the two boys, and with Valen's blue and her ebony mixed once again. Cascade, nudging the brat in to join her brothers, grinned up at Valen. Had he passed out at some point? She wouldn't have been surprised.

"Well," she stated calmly, with a completely unfaked yawn, "that wasn't so bad I guess. Not as fun as making them." She winked, but couldn't quite get her eye to open again. "I... could kind of use a nap though." Was Mercy still there or had she left? Cascade couldn't tell, with her eyes drooping so insistently. Man was she tired. They were pretty cute though... looked just like their daddy.


Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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