
Orange sky



5 Years
01-15-2015, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 06:26 AM by Novella.)
The first time she had fallen pregnant Novella had no idea what was happening. It was in fact her mother who had first learnt about it and shared the news with her. She wasn't quite the happy expectant mother either, in fact she had been terrified through the entire thing, constantly worried but her mother had been there to guide her and help and that was some sort of comfort.

This time though it was completely different. The sickness and signs would start and a little more knowledgeable and experienced she could recognise them herself. Where on the first time around she had believed she was ill this time she knew full well she was pregnant. She could cope, Aslan, Varda and Herne provided proof of that fact for her, they'd grown from the delicate little pups to three beautiful and healthy grown wolves.

Still she had cried as she realised, she of course would love these new children it was nothing to do with them but the memories they had brought to her mind. Even if she didn't need the help so much this time it still would have been wonderful to share the news with them. Apart from Frith, they would have been the first she would have told but they weren't there to tell this time.

She'd sat out alone for a while and at last she had regained her composure. Though the absence of her parents would sadden her she didn't want to share this with Frith, instead simply the joy that they would be parents again. It was wonderful news after all and it wasn't these new children that were making her unhappy in any way. No, they would bring plenty of joy she was sure. A small smile would cross her features at that thought as she made her way back to the den, slipping back inside to wake Frith with a soft nuzzle.