
Just A Dream

Jupiter I


7 Years
01-15-2015, 06:47 AM
Her teeth merely graze and she feels the other begin to rise. Naturally, instantly, Jupiter rises with the woman, mirroring her movements upward, only a bit below due to half a second's late start. She seeks to remain with her jaws just below and to the right of other's right cheek until the slightly later moment where she rises to her full height above Katja, attempting to ensure that Katja's jaws never manage to rise high enough to get an angle on the top of her head. The other's right shoulder bumps minimally against the top-left side of her own left shoulder because of their proximity and lack of her opponent's leverage, leaving only minor bruising.

Similarly, her opponent's rising left forepaw manages only to graze harmlessly along the right side of Jupiter's scrunched neck, finding no purchase. Enemy jaws aim low for a target no longer so low, instead finding purchase on the right side of Jupiter's upper neck--the only target left available with the other's angle foiled by Jupiter's counter-rise. They grip a single fold of fat there, blood welling around ivory fangs, ripping away a quarter-sized, half-inch-deep out a chunk of flesh as Jupiter rises to her own full height. Katja's paw, if it manages to near the earth at all, no longer has a target--front left paw of the alphaess has already risen, pulled but a couple of inches upward in her rise. Balance readjusts as she rises, centering enough weight to her hinds to ensure her balance but leaving enough to throw force behind her attacks.

Jaws gape and reach from above, bottom right canine seeking the middle of her opponent's right eye and upper right canine seeking Katja's left eye, hoping to crush, seeking to push downwards and forwards with her superior weight and jaws. She seeks to push and attack before the other can return two paws to the earth, hoping the her body pressing against hers also prevents Katja from falling fully, instead attempting to force her to the earth.

Other defenses remain in place. Hackles along her spine remain raised. Shoulders remain rolled forward and back legs remain bent and spread for as much balance as possible, toes splayed and claws gripping the earth. Jupiter's left shoulder pushes inward and forward as the heavier woman makes an attempt to give the other a taste of her own medicine with her newfound leverage, seeking to slam the shoulder into the vertical middle of the right side of the other's throat with the intent to destroy. Lower target brings her chin to tuck. Weight readjusts to accommodate. Tail seeks to flag naturally for balance and eyes remain narrowed, ears pinned, brow furrowed. Jaws gape to put teeth between her target and her throat as she attacks. Neck remains scrunched.


one TWO three

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.