
You got the bullets, I got the gun



3 Years
Extra large
01-15-2015, 12:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 12:41 PM by Neios.)

He hasn't been in the pack for more than a few days now, and it is easy to say he has already grown accustomed to pack life again. It was easy being a pack wolf, all he had to do was pull his weight around and food, shelter, and.. wolves to "play" with, were handed directly to him. It was a lot easier than being on his own, where he had to hunt and fend for himself constantly just to stay alive- not that it was hard for him to do so. But having things handed to him on a silver platter was far better than finding it himself. Plus he was back with Cataleya, the woman who had saved him from his mothers abandonment. He owed Cataleya a great debt, and what better way to pay her off than allowing her to use him like a pawn? He would serve the tyrant until she no longer needed him, and he doubted she would grow tired of his services anytime soon. 

He is lost in thought when the queens summon seeps across the fog encased moor, her call urging her members into her proximity, and disturbing the behemoth. 'Must be a meeting or something', he thinks to himself. Amethyst eyes dart toward Mevia, who is eagerly waiting by his side to respond to the call. The duo then makes their way toward the summon, and after a few minutes of walking, the reach the small gathering. A few wolves are gathered around the queen, and the titan makes his way toward her, his eyes darting from face to face as he towers above the other members. He is by far the largest wolf in the pack, (besides Kylar, who stood at the same height as he did) since the.. "king".. was not here yet."Cataleya..." He murmurs as he approaches the silver  queen, the corners of his lips curling into a devilish smirk. He then stops and takes a seat before the tyrant, Mevia coming to sit beside him as the duo waits for the queen to give her orders.

Walk "Talk" Think