
You got the bullets, I got the gun



01-15-2015, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 02:58 PM by Maija.)

The call from Cataleya's mouth sounded to the whole Moor, including Maija's den. She had been play fighting with Ecaterina, snarls and low growls radiating from the darkened home until they were summoned. A firm smirk appeared on her face and she looked over to her growing daughter. "Să mergem, Ecaterina. Regina Cataleya nu trebuie să rămână în așteptare!" Let's go, Ecaterina. Queen Cataleya mustn't be kept waiting! With her head held high, she left the den and trotted towards where the meeting would be held.

She felt her daughter fall into step beside her and when they reached the part of the Moor Cat had chosen, her face hardened and eyes gleamed with a glassy shine. They roved across the wolves already gathered, curiosity peaking at the children Cataleya had recently given life to. She walked towards Cataleya, gave her a firm nod, then proceeded to step towards a seat near Meinx. As Eca moved to sit beside her, she hopefully looked at her queen, claws digging into the ground beneath her. It had been quite awhile since she had tasted blood she had spilled or heard another's cry from pain...She was getting ready.

As Maija and Ecaterina ambled towards the meeting, Cezar tagged along at a slower pace. He had finished consuming a large meal and intended to take a nap, but apparently, the ruler had an agenda. Without complaining externally, he remained in the shadows, blending in well with his surroundings as he followed his golden vixen and her sweet pup. Dark eyes gleamed knowingly as he watched the gathering of wolves increase in size before he jogged towards Maija's sitting form. He found a comfortable spot beside Ecaterina, bumped her large haunch with his shoulder, and waited to see what all the hubbub was about.
