
A Whale's Song



06-02-2013, 12:39 AM

The breeze played gently with her fur as she faced the large body of water. She smiled at the beautiful waves that rushed to meet the shore. Song was just enjoying the show that the dolphins were putting on. She wished it was warm enough to go out and swim with them. She knew she didn't want to get wet right at that moment, it was growing close to the beginning of the night and the temperature was about to drop. She would freeze if she tried swimming now. She let a sigh escape her lips, another day probably once it warmed up again.
Suddenly a noise broke through her concentration. Someone barked at her. A confused look on her face, she turned around to see who was attempting to get her attention. Song was not able to see him at first but after a squint she was able to make out his black form a bit better. She didn't recognize him either. She didn't feel threatened by his presence, if he had wanted to try something funny he would have done if with out alerting her first.
She kept the smile on her face as she let herself stand once again on the beautiful beach. With all four paws underneath her she moved toward him a bit. The waves were loud so if she wanted him to even think about hearing her she needed to be closer. "Yes?" Her vocals were like a dove's call, soothing and beautiful. She let her paws keep carrying her softly toward him. "Are you in need of assistance?" She cocked her head to the side quizzically, a smile still sitting on her maw.