
Stories of the Past

Taska Takira

06-02-2013, 12:44 AM
Taska Takira nodded at the white girl, her face that of bland interest, not that she was not listening, for she was, but her every emotion was not forefront in her face. She listened to the story on how the dame lost her brothers and mother. It was a sad thing to lose something, and even more so to lose the thing your dearest, Kira understood, she lost her mother suddenly, and without warning, Taske was the one thing in this world that Kira had loved and she lost her forever, So she understood this female, but she had hope, her mother and brothers where not dead, just missing, maybe just maybe they could be found... Maybe Kira could help this Io...

The young black female tilted her head at the white girl. Her mind racing with many possibilities. No matter how much Kira denied it she was a bit lonely and this female seemed to also be so, so maybe they should travel together, help each other find the thing they desire most. For Kira that is knowledge of her mother's life, more of the story; for Io her family. They could be friends, they could become the very thing they lost so long ago, a family.

"Hello Io, I am Taska Takira, but I prefer to be called Kira." She smiled at the white woman then, her amber eyes dancing with the possibility. Taske had once told Kira of her best friend, they had met young and had be inseparable for the longest time. Taske had done anything and everything for her friend, and had found her niche in life because of her, she had watched and protected, and she have loved her friend. Kira now saw the possibilities, she could see herself having that friendship, she wanted it. Cali and Taske where almost one and the same; maybe just maybe Kira could have that with this white woman, the same friendship as they did with Io. "I was wondering, where are you going? Do you mind me going with you?" Kira watched Io, her amber eyes thoughtful wounding if the dame would want her company of if she was just happy being alone, which seems unlikely with how this conversation has gone.