
Just A Dream

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-15-2015, 06:36 PM
ooc:  honestly thought staff was going to close this one but if it's still open I'll throw Aern in.  Just in case the Hell thread ends up being invalidated or something, ya'll got me lost on time lines.  SO, EPICALLY VAGUE   xD

Ivory fangs crushed through bone as ravenous tongue slurped at the marrow of an abandoned kill.  Some might turn their noses at scavenging but Aerndís had no such qualms.  Survival was survival.  That was all.  Lifting her head she skirted around the mist filled forest.  It was filled with the foreboding stench of something that should not be bothered but since when had that ever stopped the gladiatrix?  She who had lain with death so many times, who thirsted for the day he would greet her and wisk her away to the fields of glory.

In fact it was the sound of battle that lured her deeper into the forest, keen eyes alight with curiosity.  Aern felt the hunger stir within her gut.  The thirst for blood rising in her throat.  Had she stumbled across something good?  A waaaaar, hm?  

The gathering wasn't a large one, a dispute of some sort but as there was no pack scent Aerndís doubted it was over territory.  Four adults were locked in battle while a male and a pup and a female and a pup stood watch.  From their body language the battle-hungry goddess could gather that they were probably not friends.  She grinned, moving to stand to the right of the freakishly red wolf leaving a distance of about 10 feet.  She was here to watch for now, and perhaps solicit the winners.  Of course surely a little idle chat wouldn't hurt and if the pair decided they to were hungry for battle the bronze woman would be more than happy to sate them.

"I have to hand it to you ladies and gents, you sure know how to throw a party."
