
Rolled up looking picture perfect


01-15-2015, 09:15 PM

It was uncommon to pass the scents of other pack members, so she ignored them as she went. That is, until a voice called out to her. She would slow to a halt, ears swiveling as her verdant gaze swept the shadows. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the strangers scent, it was not one she was familiar yet. Turning around, she would weave in and out of the shadows, moonlight toying with the silver in her pelt. Her verdant gaze tipped upward when she finally stood before the stranger. He was taller than expected, as tall as her father. His coat was as black as night while an aura of danger radiated from him. Her gaze would drop only briefly to the pale creature at his side. In would dawn on her that she had seen him at the meeting.

Her gaze returned his, verdant clashing with amethyst. A ghost of smirk would tug at dark lips. And who exactly are you? She would inquire, tones curious as a brow lifted in question. Whoever he was, he had evidently been close to her mother, close enough that she had allowed him to sit beside her at the pack meeting. It only furthered her curiosity in wanting to know exactly who he was. Like a light bulb flicking on, she found him eerily familiar. He looked exactly like another man her mother had favored. What was his name? She wracked her brain but came up empty. Questions formed wildly in her mind, though her face remained carefully neutral.