
Wait For Me


06-02-2013, 01:17 AM

Mahniya blinked back the dredges of sleep coming awake with a heavy startle. Reminders of the past lingered in her head toying and taunting her with their cruelties, since that first night she had spent curled beside her lover she had found peace and tranquility, only when trapped by his embrace, enveloped in his warmth and blanketed by his scent, without him the nightmares lingered and heavy thoughts plagued her. She worried that he wouldn't return for her, that he would find someone that wasn't so utterly broken and forget her, she worried that he would be injured, killed, left to rot somewhere forgotten in the snow. She could feel her heart bleed, her chest hurt by such notions and she whimpered.

He had left, on a long hunt with the rest of the braves they were hunting a musk ox and this time Mahniya had not been asked to attend. She had remained behind but they had been gone nearly six days, had she known the herd of musk ox was so far away, she would have went with them as an extra set of claws. She had scarcely slept since their departure and as the days dredged by her worry only grew, giving up on sleep and willing to accept the few scarce hours she had gotten, the woman would vanish from the mouth of the cave and into the bitter chill of the night. The icy cold stung her flesh but it was a pleasant distraction to the pain in her heart.

Three days ago she had gone into heat and the ache between her thighs was near unbearable, her thoughts drifted to Rogue not only as her protector, her guardian, the missing piece to her soul, but she began to see him in a whole new light. Would he want pups? They had never discussed it before. Would he want her to bare them. Her cheeks flushed, tinged with color as she imagined her abdomen, swollen wide with pups made from their union. No... now was not the time for such thoughts for her beloved had not returned. Her blood colored eyes rose to the lonely moon as she stood on a slight out-cropping. Her cranium tilted backwards and a long howl would rip from her vocals, lonely and soft. She called for her lover if he was anywhere near. She hoped, at the very least, that he would hear her and that he would know she was thinking of him.
