
Don't You Know


01-16-2015, 03:35 AM

Her mother's returned voice came from a direction, but the noise echoed off every wall in the rooms down there. She would start to walk down a ways, pressing on slowly to check the chambers along the way. She didn't bother yelling for her mother anymore, it would just bounce of the walls.

What she was really hoping for at this point was that her little sister didn't hear, or at least bother to come to their voices. Jian wasn't her mother and so long as Zola was concerned, she didn't deserve to be anywhere near her.

Not too long after, she would come to a room near the end of the hall that she had walked by but instantly backed up to notice her mother was inside. Seeing as she was laying down on a cot, she would come to it and place her front paws on, being too big to join her now. She wasn't fully grown, but she was at least half that size. She offered her mother a smile as her chin laid on her paws on the cot and kept quiet only a minute before speaking.

"Are you feeling any better?"

She asked, though there was a sense in her voice that she wanted to talk about more then her mother's increasing health. Of course, she was more than happy to spend the lost time with her mother. In fact, she was willing to share all the feelings she had been missing...

Walk "Talk" Think