Of course neither wolf saw the harm in their decision at the time. Maybe they could blame their tired minds, it had been much too late to bother Novel or Dutiron maybe their won senses had fallen asleep. Though he also felt as though he was much more innocent at the time, obviously that hadn't lasted very long. He was still unable to resist her, the new life in her womb proof.
Her words would disrupt his errant thoughts as she agreed with his words, the knowledge of these stories would certainly work against them should their children ever learn of them. Only a few select wolves knew the truth though, even if the story was amusing. "It's the best story," his voice would sound softly, their love story was his favorite. Despite Dutiron's first doubts he had every intention of giving Novella a happy ending. He would lean forward again, placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. "However, we shouldn't keep the news of more brothers and sisters from them. When should we tell?" His features would tilt slightly, his grin goofy as he felt like a puppy with an exciting secret.