
It's Never Enough


01-16-2015, 10:44 PM

As Lian asked if Lel would try to stop them, he would answer for the both of them. Zola was sure that their father would grab them and take them home, though not like he had with Callisto. But Zola would let the hesitation in Lian's own voice intensify as he scrambled his words to what he wanted. Father isn't keeping us as prisoners...

"I don't know." Zola was sure that wasn't the case, but how could they tell? "We've never tried running..."

What if Lel was only keeping them until they served no use for him? Just as he did with the black lady... She was the only other wolf that Zola had seen that wasn't from their family. Lel didn't bring over strangers to meet the rest of his family... Come to think of it, they had never heard anything of their grand parents or uncles and aunts. Were they even Jian's children?

Zola couldn't help but think of all the terrible things from Lian's question on if they were prisoners... There was no way of telling unless they tried to get away. And if they tried and it was true, Lel would surly find them and the results probably wouldn't be pretty...

Walk "Talk" Think