
I don't know what I'm doing


01-16-2015, 11:19 PM

It became evident that his opponent was not pleased with being partners. But oh well, Cataleya was apparently not in the mood to negotiate. He would maintain all of his: eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his skull, hackles lifted, head level with his spine, chin tucked, legs bent at the joint and squared, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed. He wasnt perfect, trying to mimic his opponents stance as much as possible.

His fangs would meet their mark, landing on the left side of his opponents neck, at the midway point. However his left forepaw would fail to make contact. He would seek to replace his left foreleg on the ground, his weight once against falling even across all four legs. Novocaine would release his grip just before he rose up onto his hind legs. The russet boy would aim to do the same. Seeking to push off the ground with his forelegs and bring him chest to chest with his opponent. The movement would cause his opponents fangs to land lower across his right sided scruff, a little higher than the midway point. He would seek to maintain his hold on his opponent, aiming to thrash his head back and forth so as to worsen the damage he had already inflicted. Novocaine would then slam himself against Colten, a moderate bruise flaring across right portion of his chest. In order to keep himself balanced, he would try to wrap both his forelegs around his opponent, just behind his shoulders, toes splaying so as to try and score his sides, though he expected no damage to be done by his dull claws.

COLTEN vs NOVOCAINE for SPAR: round 2/2
