
Help, I'm Dying.


01-17-2015, 01:48 AM

The silver Queen would release him, the battle coming to a halt. She wold spit angry words, expelling him and his family from the pack. He would remain silent, defenses still in place until she left. They needed to leave, now. He would turn away once the silver queen was out of sight and slip back into the den. We need to go, now. He hated to make her move so soon after giving birth, but there wasnt time. He didn't want to be around for when the Queen returned to make sure of their departure. He would look down at Ekko and their child. A weary sigh rolled off his tongue. This was not how this was suppose to go. Ears remained pinned against his skull, his wounds still bleeding. He would shift his weight nervously, his gaze shifting back and forth. The sooner they could get out of here and far away, the better. He thought about going back to Secretua, but they would find him easily there. Perhaps they would stay rogues for a bit, then find a different pack to join. His mind was a jumbled mess as he struggled to make plans for his new family.

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